Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analytical Modal Of Circular Patch - 905 Words

ANALYTICAL MODAL OF CIRCULAR PATCH USING FSS AT 5.8GHZ FOR WLAN APPLICATION Amit Kirti Saran1, Gaurav Bhardwaj 2, Geeta 3 1,2EC Student, Apex Institute of Technology, Rampur, Uttar-Pradesh, India 3Assistant Professor, Apex Institute of Technology, Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, India Abstract – In this letter, we describes the planning and comparative analysis of circular patch with FSS layer with regard to dimensional characterization. Patch and substrate can play the important role within the performance of the antenna. Dimensions and material of the substrate has an influence on the output parameters of the antenna. A comparative analysis is finished for the 2 models and Simulation output parameters return loss, VSWR, gain, radiation patterns and field distributions for each the cases square measure bestowed during this work. Substrate utilized Roger RT/Duroid 5880(TM) which has a dielectric constant of 2.2. The result demonstrates the wideband radio wire (antenna) to work exactly from 5.8GHz frequency band with ideal resonant frequency at 5.8GHz. This antenna mainly designed for wireless application as WLAN, Bluetooth and etc. Index Terms— Circular Patch, FSS, Coax-feed method, Return loss, Gain, HFSS 13.0 . I. INTRODUCTION MIRCOPATCH ANTENNA are divided into four categories they are: †¢ Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna †¢ FSS †¢ Slot antenna †¢ Coax-feed For remote correspondences, multi-band and

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Elements of Religious Traditions Essay - 912 Words

Elements of Religious Traditions Margaret Chandler REL/133 World Religious Traditions I University of Phoenix May 16, 2011 Elements of Religious Traditions Many people in this world today have some kind of religion in their lives or just none. However, no matter what people beliefs are, they believe in some form of religion in some part of life such as the satanic, idols, myths, or astrology. They believe in some sort of a higher being other than people. Nevertheless, there is a difference between beliefs, being scared, and being religious. In this paper, you†¦show more content†¦However, whenever people learn things, they start to dedicate their lives to what they know or learned. Nevertheless, personal items or ways of beings could become scared in our lives. Therefore, what does it mean to be sacred? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica Company (2011), â€Å"Sacred means: dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity† (Definition of SACRED, p. 1). Nevertheless, we have many beliefs, religious and sacred traditions man follow to explain life. All three of these cou ld be present in one religious; however, you do not need to have beliefs to be religious, or be scared and be religious. However, when someone is religious, it comes solely from what person beliefs are, but a person may not be sacred and still be religious. This is said because, some people believe that when you die people come back as either another human or some living creature. However, because they believe in such does not necessarily mean that they are religious, just that they believe. One can have something very sacred to their heart and not be religious. Many denominations of religions in this world; the one we are most familiar within the United States are Christianity, Nonreligious/Secular, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Agnostic, Atheist, Hinduism, and more. According to (2005), In February and March 2002 the Pew Research Council conducted a survey of 2,002 adults † (Top LargestShow MoreRelatedElements of Religious Traditions1308 Words   |  6 PagesElem ents of Religious Traditions Chriselda Oani REL/134 November 14, 2011 Jorge Luna Elements of Religious Traditions All religions and beliefs are different. Some religions share the same characteristics, while some do not. Religion varies from culture to culture. Certain religions worship a divine being, have a sacred book, or commandments which they follow. â€Å"Shinto, for example, does not have a set of commandments, nor does it preach a moral code; Zen Buddhism does not worship a divineRead MoreElements of Religious Traditions785 Words   |  4 PagesElements of Religious Traditions paper Lesly Jeanpois UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX Elements of Religious Traditions paper In today’s world, there are many religions and, they all practice and worship in different ways. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Humanities Art Quizzes Modules 5

Humanities Art Quizzes Modules 5-7 TRUE or FALSE: Images of heaven and hell caused medieval people to consider their eternal fate. True TRUE or FALSE: Relics were held to have spiritual power—to affect healing miracles and time off from Purgatory. True The semicircular space above a Romanesque portal is called a _____. tympanum The Second and Third Crusades were announced at _____. VÃ ©zelay TRUE or FALSE: Gothic architecture used mostly rounded arches. False The three parts of the Gothic nave elevation are _____. the arcade, the triforium, and the clerestory TRUE or FALSE: Berlinghieris St. Francis Altarpiece emphasizes the ways in which St. Francis is like Christ. True Abbot Suger wanted to create an architectural style that would express the growing power of _____. the French monarchy TRUE or FALSE: In his Ognissanti Madonna, Giotto used light and shadow to model Marys body. True TRUE or FALSE: In his Ognissanti Madonna, Giotto begins to create an illusion of space to contain his carefully modeled representation of Mary. True TRUE or FALSE: Through the inclusion of Old Testament prophets, panel paintings of this time, such as Giottos Ognissanti Madonna suggest that Christ and Mary initiate a new religion with no ties to past traditions. False TRUE or FALSE: In the medieval Catholic belief system, people who committed sins could atone for them with good works, such as paying to have a chapel decorated with a religious narrative. True Giotto was probably _____s student and learned chiaroscuro, or the use of light and shadow, from him. Cimabue In the Santa Trinita Madonna, Cimabue painted Marys drapery in a way that emphasized _____. lines TRUE or FALSE: Cimabues Santa Trinita Madonna uses a single, unified viewpoint. False Giorgio Vasari saw this artist as the first Florentine artist who began to turn away from the traditional Byzantine style. Cimabue SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Enrico Scrovegni commissioned Giotto to paint frescoes in the Arena Chapel because _____. he believed that engaging in good works would ensure his salvation he wanted to atone for his and his fathers sin of usury In the Arena Chapel, Christ is generally shown _____. in profile The smaller painted panels at the bottom of Duccios Maesta decorate the part of the altarpiece called the _____. predella The gold background of many Late-Gothic pieces, such as Duccios Virgin and Child with Saints Dominic and Aurea, represents _____. All of these SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Duccios Maesta shows the Virgin and Child surrounded by figures. Who are these figures? angels saints apostles Duccios Rucellai Madonna shows the influence of the _____. Byzantine style Who was the primary audience for the back of Duccios Maesta? the clergy Why was the Bayeux Tapestry commissioned? To celebrate Williams conquest of England. Previous madonnas, and even those by contemporary Sienese painters, show Mary as ____, where Giotto shows her as ____. delicate and slender / solid and monumental The narrative scenes in the Arena Chapel begin with _____, move on to _____, and end with scenes of the _____. Life of Mary / Life of Christ / Passion Brunelleschi and Ghibertis competition panels for the Florence _____ doors are sometimes seen as the beginning of the Renaissance. Baptistery TRUE or FALSE: Ghibertis figure of Isaac references Ancient Egyptian sculpture. False TRUE or FALSE: Brunelleschis panel shows a violent and dramatic moment where Abraham is in the process of killing Isaac before he is stopped by the angel. True Compared with Brunelleschis panel, Ghibertis panel is more _____ as Abraham hesitates as looks directly into Isaacs face. emotionally complex SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: David, the biblical underdog, defeated his giant enemy with Gods help. Who identified with David? The Florentines The Medici family _ made figures look like they were moving and really alive, unlike medieval sculpture. Contrapposto Which of the following is NOT true of Donatellos David? The sculpture is typical of its time in that it shows a sense of eroticism. TRUE or FALSE: Donatellos David shows a return to the admiration of the human body we see in ancient Greek and Roman art. True TRUE or FALSE: Masaccios Holy Trinity is credited with being the first true example of one-point linear perspective. True One-point linear perspective was developed by _____. Brunelleschi Which of the following is NOT true of Masaccios Holy Trinity? The barrel vault with coffers recalls the architecture of Ancient Egypt. In Masaccios Tribute Money, the scene shows atmospheric perspective, which allows the mountain to recede into the background through changes in _____. color Which of the following is NOT true of Masaccios Tribute Money? Although Masaccio tried to create a convincing illusion of real life, the light in the painting does not align with the light from the windows in the Brancacci Chapel. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: What are the classical elements of Donatellos David? The use of contrapposto The free-standing nude figure The use of bronze The figures in Piero della Francescas Portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino in profile and the use of the profile was an attempt to recreate ruler portraits from _____. Classical antiquity TRUE or FALSE: Profile portraits are associated with piety and submission to God. False Renaissance women plucked their hairline because high foreheads were also thought to be _____. beautiful Which of the following is NOT true of Piero della Francescas Portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino? These two portraits were once part of a larger altarpiece for the familys chapel. Michelangelo brought a strong _____ element to the painted figures on the Sistine Chapel. Sculptural Michelangelo brought a strong _____ element to the painted figures on the Sistine Chapel. The architectural framing that we see surrounding the central scenes is the only real element on the ceiling, the remainder is paint. TRUE or FALSE: Michelangelos figures in the Sistine Chapel recall the strength, beauty, and idealism of classical sculpture. True Which of the following is NOT true of Michelangelos sibyls in the Sistine Chapel? The body of the Libyan Sybil twists in a complex pose that is typical of the High Renaissance. Raphael is painting the Stanza della Segnatura at the Papal Palace at the same time that Michelangelo is painting the _____. Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel TRUE or FALSE: Raphaels School of Athens shows how the Catholic world rejected the classical world during the High Renaissance. False Which of the following is NOT true of Raphaels School of Athens? The two central figures in the painting are Christ and St. Peter. TRUE or FALSE: In Raphaels School of Athens, the gestures of Plato and Aristotle in the painting reference the ideas of these philosophers. Plato points to the heavens, as his writings dealt with intangible heavenly things. Aristotle points down because he was interested in observable, tangible, earthly things. True In the colossal statue of David, Michelangelo created a(n) _____ body. Idealized TRUE or FALSE: A sacra conversazione, or sacred conversation, is a painting that shows the Madonna and Child talking to saints from different time periods. True Which of the following is NOT true of Mantegnas Dead Christ? The artist perfectly executed the foreshortening of the body of Christ. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: What characteristics of oil paint did Giovanni Bellini exploit? Oil paint dries slowly Which of the following is NOT true of The Arnolifini Portrait by Van Eyck? Giovanni Arnolfinis wife was pregnant with their first child at the time of this painting In Van Eycks The Arnolifini Portrait, the removed shoes may symbolize that _____. the couple stands on holy ground. What allowed Jan van Eyck to create the luminous quality of the painting, The Arnolfini Portrait? Multiple layers of glazes The Arnolfini Portrait is typical of other works from the Northern Renaissance because of its _____. attention to detail. TRUE or FALSE: This scene of the Deposition shows Christ being removed from the cross and is one of the standard scenes from the life of Christ. True Van der Weydens Deposition reveals many artistic conventions of the Northern Renaissance. Which of the following is NOT present in the painting? An interest in detailed landscapes In his Deposition, Van der Weyden gives his figures great emotional intensity combined with great attention to detail. These allow the viewer _____. to empathize with the figures in the scene Van der Weyden carefully constructed the composition of his Deposition. Which of the following does NOT describe the composition of the painting? Van der Weyden uses rigid symmetry to organize the figures in the painting. Luther taught that Christians should follow _____. The Bible Before the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church was _____. the only church in Western Europe. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Which of the following statements are true of the Counter-Reformation? During the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church made a great effort to spread Catholicism, especially to newly discovered places. As part of the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church tried to stamp out heresy The Council of Trent affirmed the role of art in the Catholic Church. The Protestant Reformation brought about _____ the creation of many new Protestant churches. Luther believed _____. in the priesthood of all believers. The anamorphic skull in the center of Hans Holbeins The Ambassadors is _____. a memento mori (reminder of death). Martin Luther taught that Christians should follow _____. The Bible The Counter-Reformation was a response to _____. the growth of Protestantism. The rise of Protestantism led to all of the following EXCEPT _____. the development of the printing press. Although Baroque art takes various forms, it is characterized by its attempt to _____. involve the viewer. What was the main reason the Royal Society for Improving Natural Knowledge was established? to encourage and share scientific discoveries based on observation and experiment Which contributed the most to the spread of intellectual ideas in the 16th and 17th century? advances in printing technology The term Baroque derives from the Spanish and Portuguese word meaning _____. an irregular pearl. Which was an outcome of the Scientific Revolution? economic growth due to industrialization SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: In the Dutch Republic in the 17th century _____. the production of small scale paintings increased to decorate private homes. the popularity of landscape painting grew. the popularity of genre scenes grew. How did the Catholic Church differ in its ideas about religious art from the Protestants? Protestants criticized what they saw as the Catholic cult of images. TRUE or FALSE: Berninis David makes us want to duck and get out of the way. The involvement of the viewer in this way is typical of Renaissance art. FALSE Which of the following is NOT true of Berninis David? Berninis David looks back to the Renaissance in the figures elegance and proportions TRUE or FALSE: Berninis David carefully stays inside the confines of the base and pedestal, increasing the dynamic emotion and theatrical impact. FALSE Typical of Italian Baroque art, Berninis Ecstasy of Saint Teresa tries to engage the viewer in order to _____. Inspire faith Which of the following is NOT true of Berninis Ecstasy of Saint Teresa? All of the marble was finished in the same way, unifying the figures with the architecture in the chapel. Bernini expressed ideas of _____ by using the ornate elements of the church to express a direct relationship between the individual and the spiritual realm. The Counter-Reformation TRUE or FALSE: Bernini involved the viewer through the entire space of the chapel, which suggests we are part of the audience witnessing the spiritual event. True Carvaggio created three paintings about _____ for the Contarelli Chapel in Rome. St. Matthew How does Caravaggios work support ideas of the Counter-Reformation? It shows the miraculous in everyday life. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Baroque art as seen in Berninis David? the emphasis on horizontal and vertical lines What did Bernini use to heighten the illusionistic effects of the sculpture groups The Ecstasy of St. Teresa and St. Andrew in Sant Andrea al Quirinale? a hidden window

Monday, December 2, 2019

Vanity Fair by William Thackeray Essay Example

Vanity Fair by William Thackeray Essay This extract from Vanity Fair by William Thackeray follows the interaction of several characters, namely, Mr Sedley, Miss Rebecca and Miss Amelia, where the attention is focused on Mr Sedleys hesitation. Several characteristics of this passage are how the author has portrayed society, the way in which the author has expressed his characters, and the stylistic techniques of his writing. In this extract, Thackeray has used recollection and the surroundings to depict society. When Miss Rebecca began to ask questions about India, Mr Sedley replied and recounted all his memories. Through his recollection, we are able to gain an impression of what society was like due to his experiences. We are given the notion that Mr Sedley is part of the wealthy class due to his travel to India, Miss Rebecca asked him a great number of questions about India, which gave him an opportunity of narrating many interesting anecdotes about that country and himself, as at that time (the book was written in 1847) travel was very expensive and not many could afford that luxury. He goes on further to mention, the balls at Government House, which also further suggest that he is part of this affluent class as he is able to attend them. The manner in which he describes his experiences of India, and subject choices he chose to tell were also superficial. He illustrates his experiences in a very barbaric and shallow manner, which adds to our impression of his social class. Even the manner in which Miss Rebecca replies and where she laughs at, or comments upon, could all be considered conventions of the wealthy upper class. We will write a custom essay sample on Vanity Fair by William Thackeray specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Vanity Fair by William Thackeray specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Vanity Fair by William Thackeray specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Descriptions of their clothing, and their activities that they engage in, all reflect their society, such as when Mr Sedley was, pulling up his shirt-collars, and when Miss Rebecca was knitting the green silk purse. Also, when some song which was performed in the other room came to an end, and caused him to hear his own voice so distinctly that he stopped, is an example of a characteristic of their society. Music was considered leisure and entertainment, and this was a frequent occurrence within their life. The way in which Thackery has expressed his characters is also a characteristic of this passage. In this passage, Mr Sedley is shown as a timid person. However, for a brief moment, due to Miss Rebecca, he is no longer timid and hesitant, but talkative and brimming with confidence. The author has portrayed Mr Sedley as a stereotypical quiet character who cannot hold a conversation with the opposite sex, until Miss Rebecca comes along. We notice in the first line that, almost for the first time in his life, Mr Sedley found himself talking, without the least timidity or hesitation, and again several times throughout the passage, and as he talked on, he grew quite bold, and actually had the audacity to ask Miss Rebecca for whom she was knitting the green silk purse? And if we still were not sure what sort of person he was, the author has used other characters to emphasise Mr Sedleys character, through Mr Osborne and Miss Amelia, Did you ever hear anything like your brothers eloquence? Why, your friend has worked miracles. The author has also suggested that Mr Sedley is a man who is easily swept up into dreams, and easily jolted out of them, when he boasts about his bravado about facing dangerous animals, and when hes jolted out of his reverie when the music stopped. And in the author presenting another side of Mr Sedley (the talkative side, as opposed to the quiet side), it also casts a light on Miss Amelia, who is the person responsible for showing the talkative side. We see Miss Rebecca as a lovely lady, who is talkative, willing to listen and easy to talk to, from her interactions with Mr Sedley and comments made by the other characters. In talking to Mr Sedley, it has reflected back upon her good qualities, as people generally like to talk to outgoing people, not timid people, and this good view we have of her is further reinforced by Mr Osbourne, Why, your friend has worked miracles. In displaying a character, he has also shown another characters qualities and also through the interaction between them. Much of the narrative technique is a characteristic of this extract. The author has used long sentences, which allow him to elaborate upon the scene at hand, and also reflects upon their society. Another technique he employs is constant sign posting. He signals what is to come, and this is done with every new idea or aspect, Sedley was going to make one of the most eloquent speeches possible. In doing this, it lacks the surprise; however, it reflects the society at the time, where everything was anticipated. Another characteristic of this extract is the authorial intrusion. Thackery lets the scene play out, then he adds in his authorial intrusion which is written in such a manner that it seems like common knowledge but really are his opinions. This is quite notable at the end of the extract, For the affection of young ladies is of rapid growth as Jacks bean stalk, and reaches up to the sky in a night. In this extract from Vanity Fair by Thackeray, there are various noteworthy aspects of this passage. They are how the author has portrayed society, the way in which the author has expressed his characters, and the stylistic techniques of his writing.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Centeotl - The Aztec God (or Goddess) of Maize

Centeotl - The Aztec God (or Goddess) of Maize Centeotl (sometimes spelled Cinteotl or Tzinteotl and sometimes called Xochipilli or Flower Prince) was the main Aztec god of American corn, known as maize. Centeotls name (pronounced something like Zin-tay-AH-tul) means â€Å"Maize Cob Lord† or â€Å"the Dried Ear of the Maize God†. Other Aztec gods associated with this all-important crop included the goddess of sweet corn and tamales Xilonen (Tender Maize), the goddess of seed corn Chicomecotl (Seven Serpent), and Xipe Totec, the fierce god of fertility and agriculture. Centeotl represents the Aztec version of a more ancient, pan-Mesoamerican deity. Earlier Mesoamerican cultures, such as the Olmec and Maya, worshiped the maize god as one of the most important sources of life and reproduction. Several figurines found at Teotihuacn were representations of a maize goddess, with a coiffure resembling a tasseled ear of maize. In many Mesoamerican cultures, the idea of kingship was associated with the maize god. Origin of the Maize God Centeotl was the son of Tlazolteotl or Toci, the goddess of fertility and childbirth, and as Xochipilli he was the husband of Xochiquetzal, the first woman to give birth. Like many Aztec deities, the maize god had a dual aspect, both masculine and feminine. Many Nahua (Aztec language) sources report that the Maize god was born a goddess, and only in later times became a male god named Centeotl, with a feminine counterpart, the goddess Chicomecotl. Centeotl and Chicomecotl oversaw different stages in maize growth and maturation. Aztec mythology holds that the god Quetzalcoatl gave maize to humans. The myth reports that during the 5th Sun, Quetzalcoatl spotted a red ant carrying a maize kernel. He followed the ant and reached the place where maize grew, the â€Å"Mountain of Sustenance†, or Tonacatepetl (Ton-ah-cah-TEP-eh-tel) in Nahua. There Quetzalcoatl turned himself into a black ant and stole a kernel of corn to bring back to the humans to plant. According to a story collected by the Spanish colonial period Franciscan friar and scholar Bernardino de  Sahagà ºn, Centeotl made a journey into the underworld and returned with cotton, sweet potatoes, huauzontle (chenopodium), and the intoxicating drink made from agave called octli or pulque, all of which he gave to humans. For this resurrection story, Centeotl is sometimes associated with Venus, the morning star. According to Sahagun, there was a temple dedicated to Centeotl in the sacred precinct of Tenochtitln. Maize God Festivities The fourth month of the Aztec calendar is called Huei Tozoztli (The Big Sleep), and it was dedicated to the maize gods Centeotl and Chicomecotl. Different ceremonies dedicated to green maize and grass took place in this month, which began around April 30th. To honor the maize gods, people carried out self-sacrifices, performing blood-letting rituals, and sprinkling the blood throughout their houses. Young women adorned themselves with necklaces of corn seeds. Maize ears and seeds were brought back from the field, the former placed in front of the gods images, whereas the latter were stored for planting in the next season. The cult of Centeotl overlapped that of Tlaloc and embraced various deities of solar warmth, flowers, feasting, and pleasure. As the son of the earth goddess Toci, Centeotl was worshipped alongside Chicomecoati and Xilonen during the 11th month of Ochpaniztli, which begins September 27th on our calendar. During this month, a woman was sacrificed and her skin was used to make a mask for Centeotls priest. Maize God Images Centeotl is often represented in Aztec codices as a young man, with maize cobs and ears sprouting from his head, handling a scepter with green cob’s ears. In the Florentine Codex, Centeotl is illustrated as the god of harvest and crop production. As Xochipilli Centeotl, the god is sometimes represented as the monkey god Oà §omtli, the god of sports, dancing, amusements and good luck in games. A carved paddle-shaped palmate stone in the collections of the Detroit Institute of Arts (Cavallo 1949) may illustrate Centeotl receiving or attending a human sacrifice. The head of the deity resembles a monkey and he has a tail; the figure is standing on or floating above the chest of a prone figure. A large headdress accounting for over half of the length of the  stone  rises above Centeotls head and is made up of either maize plants or possibly agave. Edited and updated by K. Kris Hirst Sources Aridjis, Homero. Deidades Del Panteà ³n Mexica Del Maà ­z. Artes de Mà ©xico 79 (2006): 16–17. Print.Berdan, Frances F. Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Print.Carrasco, David. Central Mexican Religion. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. Eds. Evans, Susan Toby and David L. Webster. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 2001. 102–08. Print.Cavallo, A. S. A Totonac Palmate Stone. Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts 29.3 (1949): 56–58. Durand-Forest, Jacqueline, and Michel Graulich. On Paradise Lost in Central Mexico. Current Anthropology 25.1 (1984): 134–35. Print.Long, Richard C. E. 167. A Dated Statuette of Centeotl. Man 38 (1938): 143–43. Print.Là ³pez Luhan, Leonardo. Tenochtitln: Ceremonial Center. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. Eds. Evans, Susan Toby and David L. Webster. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 2001. 712 –17. Print.Menà ©ndez, Élisabeth. Maà ¯s Et Divinites Du Maà ¯s Daprà ¨s Les Sources Anciennes. Journal de la Socià ©tà © des Amà ©ricanistes 64 (1977): 19–27. Print. Smith, Michael E. The Aztecs. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. Print.Taube, Karl A. Aztec and Maya Myths. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993.Taube, Karl. Teotihuacn: Religion and Deities. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. Eds. Evans, Susan Toby and David L. Webster. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 2001. 731–34. Print.Von Tuerenhout, Dirk R. The Aztecs: New Perspectives. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Inc., 2005. Print.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Versailles Treaty Put an End to World War I

The Versailles Treaty Put an End to World War I The Versailles Treaty, signed on June 28, 1919 in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles in Paris, was the peace settlement between Germany and the Allied Powers that officially ended World War I. However, the conditions in the treaty were so punitive upon Germany that many believe the Versailles Treaty laid the groundwork for the eventual rise of Nazis in Germany and the eruption of World War II. Debated at the Paris Peace Conference On January 18, 1919- just over two months after the fighting in World War Is Western Front ended- the Paris Peace Conference opened, beginning the five months of debates and discussions that surrounded the drawing up of the Versailles Treaty.   Although many diplomats from the Allied Powers participated, the big three (Prime Minister David Lloyd George of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau of France, and  President Woodrow Wilson  of the United States)  were the most influential. Germany was not invited. On May 7, 1919, the Versailles Treaty was handed over to Germany, who was told they had only three weeks in which to accept the Treaty. Considering that in many ways the Versailles Treaty was meant to punish Germany, Germany, of course, found much fault with the Versailles Treaty. Germany did send back a list of complaints about the Treaty; however, the Allied Powers ignored most of them. The Versailles Treaty: A Very Long Document The Versailles Treaty itself is a very long and extensive document, made up of 440 Articles (plus Annexes), which have been divided into 15 parts. The first part of the Versailles Treaty established the League of Nations. Other parts included the terms of military limitations, prisoners of war, finances, access to ports and waterways, and reparations. Versailles Treaty Terms Spark Controversy The most controversial aspect of the Versailles Treaty was that Germany was to take full responsibility for the damage caused during World War I (known as the war guilt clause, Article 231). This clause specifically stated: The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies. Other controversial sections included the major land concessions forced upon Germany (including the loss of all her colonies), the limitation of the German army to 100,000 men, and the extremely large sum in reparations Germany was to pay to the Allied Powers. Also enraging was Article 227 in Part VII, which stated the Allies intention of charging German Emperor Wilhelm II with supreme offence against international morality and the sanctity of treaties. Wilhelm II was to be tried in front of a tribunal made up of five judges. The terms of the Versailles Treaty were so seemingly hostile to Germany that German Chancellor Philipp Scheidemann resigned rather than sign it. However, Germany realized they had to sign it for they had no military power left to resist. Versailles Treaty Signed On June 28, 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Germanys representatives Hermann Mà ¼ller and Johannes Bell signed the Versailles Treaty in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles near Paris, France.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Is America a country that is in a constant state of flux as it is in a Essay

Is America a country that is in a constant state of flux as it is in a constant state of flux as it relates to identity or is it - Essay Example Therefore, it is only appropriate that debate regarding the character of the nation, one which is shaped by political convictions and cultural factors should be pushed towards a decisive conclusion. It is only through the resolution of such debate can there be a better appreciation of national and social traits be achieved, which would consequently lead to solutions for other problems in society. In presenting the arguments involved in the said debates, two articles may help. These are Who and What is American: the Things We Continue to Hold in Common by Lewis Lapham and Dinosaur Dreams: Reading the Bone’s of America’s Psychic Mascot by Jack Hitt. Both articles are attempts at understanding the American psyche, especially in relation to identity. Lapham’s article is more direct in presenting his arguments that Americans have the tendency to constantly make changes in there perspectives, stand, or tastes, many aspects, from the most important to the most trivial. On the other hand, Hitt insists that Americans are to use old symbols in order to represent their resilience and their proclivity to stabilize everything. Although both may have differences, it is obvious though these articles ultimately reach an agreement that the American mode of thinking is actually open to changes. Therefore, it is clear that the country itself cannot avoid being a state of flux always. Just like all other societies in different parts of the globe, America continues to evolve. Naturally, this means that changes are still occurring in whatever aspect, whether it is political, cultural, and economic. Even if the country is actually centuries old, its development never ceases because of the simple fact that its people are never contented about what they already have. This is not a bad thing though. In fact, the reason why innovations are made, ones that improve industry, make lifestyles more convenient, and cultures more advance is that Americans are always trying to discover something new. As American society continues to evolve, it can only be in a state of flux, largely triggered by its response to challenges of existing situations. One proof of this continuous instability is in the field of politics. It is quite clear that a huge majority of Americans voted for President Obama in the 2008 elections. However, now that he is in power, it did not take long for many to shift sides in politics. Lapham explains that â€Å"democratic politics trades in only two markets – the market in expectation and the market in blame.† (January 1992) This means that when Americans feel that their expectations are not met, they automatically lay the blame on the on the person which they previously believed could solve problems of society. Because of this attitude, there will always be the impression that Americans are rarely contented with what they have; hence, the inclination towards flux. There is, however, a counter-argument to Lapham’ s theory. This articulated by Hitt as he tries to explain the Americans’ penchant for dinosaur, particularly the T-rex. Hitt points out that they tend to hold on to old symbols or extinct objects such as the dinosaur. He explains that the dinosaur’s â€Å"periodic rebirth in pop culture neatly signals deep tectonic shifts in our sense of ourself as a country.†

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The player Maradona Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The player Maradona - Essay Example Which clubs did Maradona play for in his active football life? What are the awards that Maradona has won in his professional football life? Which clubs has the former football player managed after his retirement from playing football? I used research materials available on the websites as quoted in the reference section of the paper. The research materials describe the football career of Diego Armando Maradona from his youth career until he retired from professional football. The research is confined to the football career of Diego Armando Maradona to both the football career of Diego Armando Maradona both at club level and international career. Several parts of the search bogged me down. One of them is time limitation. The time allocated for this research was not enough that made me, as the researcher, to work under pressure. Moreover, I was faced by the limitation of insufficient materials with reliable information from where I could obtain the data. Several parts of the research p rocess sparked a breakthrough. One of them is that I was able to retrieve information from other sources that are not available on online media such as the books in printed form. Moreover, I was able to obtain information from newspapers available from the libraries that had sections focusing on the football career of the player. ... From the research, I realized that, Diego Armando Maradona began his professional football life at the age of 16 with Argentinos Juniors where he played between 1976 and 1981. At the club, Maradona scored 115 goals for the club in 167 appearances and helped the club win several awards including the league title. After 1981, Maradona was transferred to Boca Juniors football club in Brazil for a fee of 1 million pounds ( Maradona and Weinstein 5). In 1982, Maradona and Boca Juniors Football Club won their first league championship title. An English club, Sheffield United, made a bid for $180,000 for the services of Maradona but the bid was rejected. In 1982 after the World Cup, Maradona was transferred to FC Barcelona for a record fee of $5 million. The club won Copa Del Rey, a Spanish annual national cup competition by beating Real Madrid in the finals, and won the Spanish Super Cup the same year after beating Athletic Bilbao in the finals. Maradona won the respective awards for his e fforts in helping the club win these competitions (Deutsch 5: Cockcroft and Cardona 2). According to Burns, 47, after a series of wrangles at the club, Maradona was transferred to Napoli Football Club for a record fee of $ 6.9 million in 1984. It is at this club that Maradona reached the peak of his career. At the club, Maradona became an adored figure and a fans favorite where he elevated the club to its most successful era in history. He helped the club win the Serie A Italian championship in 1986/87 season as well as the 1989/90 Serie A Italian championship. Moreover, Diego Maradona helped the club to emerge as the first runner up in 1987/88 and 1988/89. Apart from the league, Maradona helped Napoli Football Club to win

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Compare the Effects of the Use of Different Narrative Voice in Miramar and Devil on the Cross Essay Example for Free

Compare the Effects of the Use of Different Narrative Voice in Miramar and Devil on the Cross Essay In both Ngugi’s â€Å"Devil on the Cross† and Naguib’s â€Å"Miramar† we see a distinctive use of polyphony to convey both the political stances and social viewpoints of the authors. Although, the use of this literary technique differs between the two novels, the authors both have the same intention of persuading the reader to agree with their personal stand-point. Ngugi’s use of this literary narrative technique consists of describing the argument that he is attempting to put across to the reader, from the perspective of all of the characters to portray it in a light that leaves no room for reasonable doubt, where upon in â€Å"Miramar† Naguib manipulation of the narrative is more subtle at commenting upon the social class divides and barriers in the Egyptian society of the era in which it was written. To consider now, how this use of polyphony affects the readers of â€Å"Miramar† the aim of Naguib must first be questioned. Upon interpretation the character Zohra can be seen as a crucial part of the novel despite not having a section to narrate her side of the story. The reason for this could be that Naguib wanted to use Zohra as a symbol for his notion of an ideal, modern Egyptian. Being a religious Egyptian himself, there are evident influences of his native culture, in the representation of this ideal Egyptian, Zohra. However, this concept of Zohra being a semiotic for Egypt is not the only point to consider whilst interpreting the narrative structure’s impact; rather, it is the interaction between Zohra and the different narrators in the novel, that is crucial to analyse . This is especially important, as the different narrators are all from different backgrounds and can be clearly discerned as representations of the different Egyptian social classes. The intention of Naguib could most definitely be, to help the reader understand the varying lives of people from the different social classes in Egypt and the problems that arise because of these divides. An interpretation as to the reason why Zohra doesn’t have her own section to narrate could be because of the fact that, as stated previously, she is the symbol of Egypt, and quite simply she represents the struggle Egypt faces when fairly telling its own story. Instead of being given the chance to speak freely the novel is only told by people who have been influenced by the â€Å"Wafd† or â€Å"the revolution† or even the colonists, and therefore they are tainted, and no longer considered pure of mind. There is an unmistakable feeling of Naguib’s resentment towards the way â€Å"times have changed. This bitterness is especially impressed upon the reader regarding the new beliefs that people should be separated into social class groups and is present throughout the narrative of each character. Especially in Amer Wagdi’s narration, as the reader can almost imagine Naguib speaking in place of Amer when describing that they are foolish â€Å"obstacles† that separates Zohra from her love, Sarhan, because although â€Å"times have changed,† â€Å"young men haven’t changed†. In a similar style to Naguib, Ngugi also uses a female character to symbolise his country. In â€Å"Devil on the Cross† Wariinga is clearly intended to be interpreted by Ngugi as a symbol of Kenya and Ngugi has also, like Naguib, used the narrative to help enhance the symbolic interpretation of the interaction between Wariinga and the characters around her. However, Ngugi’s use of autobiographical narrative is highly differentiated from Naguib’s in the sense that Ngugi merges the narrative voice unnoticeably into the tone of the character in which he is focusing on. Ngugi does this especially in the â€Å"Matatu† chapter of the novel. This is a highly symbolic scene, used to portray the perspectives of each character, and these perspectives are particularly important as each character is an exemplary representation of the different social classes and backgrounds in Kenya. As this autobiographical narrative is used, it makes the reader empathise more and become more emotionally attached to the characters because they can relate personally, where as attempting to relate to the masses of people that these characters are representation would depersonalise the interaction Ngugi is trying to achieve between the reader and the story. Wangari, a character who is easily recognised as a symbol for the â€Å"Old Kenya† and the â€Å"Old Haraambe† is a clear example of this shift into an autobiographical narrative as her thoughts are written to the reader, revealing a greater insight into there character than is otherwise normal, this is particularly important as her saga tells the story of the Kenya before the colonists. It is through her history that the audience is able to discern the passionate feelings Ngugi holds of resentment towards the capitalist society that Kenya has become. Focusing more on this conviction of scorn held by Ngugi, the â€Å"Matatu† is also a vastly important chapter of â€Å"Devil on the Cross† because of its use of Socratic dialogue. Likewise to Naguib, Ngugi uses a character of his plot as a medium to express his feelings towards what his country has evolved to. Considering now Wangari, the poor, woman who, â€Å"wore no shoes† and â€Å"fought for [the] country’s independence† is definitely the mouthpiece for Ngugi as he himself has fought and is still fighting, even with this novel, for the independence of Kenya. Moreover, the juxtaposition of this Socratic dialogue is even more effective as it is placed in direct opposition to the materialistic, and greedy views of Mwaura, the foreign minded matatu driver who measures â€Å"Independence not [by the] tales about the past but the sound of money in one’s pocket†; a parallel with this character can clearly be drawn between him and one of the people in â€Å"Western suits,† who â€Å"took the devil off the cross. † Contrastingly, unlike Devil on the Cross, Miramar’s revolutionists, are not fighting the same cause, and are in fact met with the same praise as Wangari was by the rest of the Kenyan’s in the matatu. The revolutions of Miramar are, although quite central to the plot, often talked about but yet never given a voice of their own. These revolutionists goal in Miramar isn’t as simple as encouraging the revolution, however, they are in fact symbolic of the greater problems in Egypt, because the characters never verbally oppose the revolution (the problems in Egypt since the colonial occupation) as they are afraid of the outcome, however, in their hearts they know it will never work. Another crucial point in assessing the novel is the way in which Naguib manipulates the narrative is through the language used by each character helps to shift the tone of the narrative. It is crucial in understanding the feelings Naguib has towards this social class. For example, minor sentences showed in the free indirect discourse in the opening of Hosny Allam’s account helps to create a good impression to the reader of what this character’s temperament will be. The â€Å"progeny of whores† who â€Å"push you noses in the mud† described right in the opening paragraph is more than enough to nderstand that Hosny Allam is a bitter character. To interpret this further, the reader can also question accordingly, the social class in which Hosny Allam the â€Å"gentleman of property† represents and uses the portrayal of his character to interpret the feelings held by Naguib towards this social class. As Naguib has deliberately used mainly pejorative vocabulary in the syntax of Hosny’s it is clear that he wants the readers to dislike this character and therefore have negative feelings towards people of his class. In conclusion, after a close analysis of the literary techniques coinciding with the narrative structures and styles used by both Naguib and Ngugi, it is more than plausible to say that these two novels are both highly critical and greatly detailed in not only their poetic language used but the significant features of their intricately structured narrative and they more than achieve their aims of informing the world of their political stance against corruption.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Porphyria’s Lover: Love, Sex, and Sin Essays -- Literary Analysis, Bro

Porphyria’s Lover: Love, Sex, and Sin While it is easy to say that this poem is simply a frightening and perverse account of a man who cannot properly express his feelings for a woman, it is much more complex. Two major motifs in the poem, love and sin, create a sense of contradiction. Browning uses this contradiction to explore the relationship between art and morality. The title of the poem leads the reader to believe that the speaker and the woman have been in a relationship for some time. It evokes the image of a woman secretly visiting her lover. Then, the speaker tells the reader that Porphyria â€Å"glides† into his house and â€Å"kneel’d and make the cheerless grate/Blaze up, and all the cottage warm† (6-9). Only someone who had visited the man’s home many times before would feel comfortable enough to â€Å"glide† in and start a fire. This confirms that this relationship has been ongoing and that this is not the first time the two have met. Throughout the poem, â€Å"love† is described in terms of a struggle for power, suggesting that the balance of power, dominance, and control in the relationship between this man and woman will never be equal; that one will always be vying for agency over the other and the relationship. In the beginning, Porphyria is â€Å"murmuring how she loved [the speaker]â₠¬  (21). Women of the Victorian era were supposed to stifle their sexuality and ignore it altogether. The woman in this poem makes it clear that Browning did not agree with this view. Although Porphyria has not been able to fully repress her desires, as evident in the fact that she even went to the man’s house, she is attempting to practice some restraint. Instead of shouting or even simply saying at a normal volume that she loves him, she only murmurs. T... ...cheme, ABABB, CDCDD, EFEFF, GHGHH, etcetera. While it does follow a certain pattern, the rhyme scheme is a bit unbalanced. It is heavy on the B rhymes, the D rhymes, and so on. This imbalance in rhyme adds to the thought of the speaker’s imbalance. The most striking thing about the poem’s form is that there is no shift in its sound at any point. While describing the tumultuous storm, he uses clear language. His tone does not change when the woman enters his house; he does not give the reader any indication that he is or is not happy that she is there. The reader expects some sort of change in language as the man murders the woman, but the poem remains in the same rhythmic pattern. All of these details seem small and may even be missed upon first reading the poem, but they add enormously to the thought that the speaker may be suffering from his own type of imbalance.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pitfalls of Targeting the Global Youth Segment of Mtv

Market Entry and Expansion When entry a new market, especially to China, exporting is a good choice. There are many forces that lead us to choose the exporting. It involves more risk and investment as the firm sets up its own presence in the host country but the potential return is also greater. When choosing exporting as the market entry mode, there are many advantages and disadvantages exist: Advantages Exporting can minimizes risk and investment. Since the industry and the head quarter are at the home country, it can decline the risk and investment in other counties. It just need one thing—export.In addition, exporting can also maximizes scales and use existing facilities to expend the market. When we develop the industry in other countries especially a new environment, there are many conditions that we are not sure, we can use the existing resource to save the investment and minimize risk, that’s why exporting can be benefit for developing a new market. Disadvantage There still some disadvantages of exporting. Firstly, the company may be viewed as an outsider and it can not be accepted easily in a new environment, we should look into the consumer, and make it out what customers’ need.Another disadvantage is that exporting need a lot of tariff costs and a high level of barriers to entry the new market. Because of the exporting, the corporation may spend a lot of fund on exporting, at the same time, there are many differences between the two countries, just like culture, custom policy and so on, they are all the restrictions when entering a new market. In the next five years, the corporation will become more and more mature, and we should change the way of the market entry. At that time, foreign direct investment (FDI) is a suitable way to operate the industry in a foreign market.Since we have been there for almost five years, we have enough fund to set up new company there. FDI can be benefit to the development of the company. It can get s greater knowledge of the local market so that we can know better of the consumers’ needs. What’s more, the company can be considered as an insider which is a good opportunity to get closer to the consumers. The most important reason is that FDI can minimize knowledge spillover, it is save for the company developing out of the home country.Country-of-origin The origin of the product is Belgium which is a developed country, it will leave a good impression on the consumer. Codiva is also a famous brand of the whole world, it is beneficial to the corporation to marketing the product. Consumer Ethnocentrism and Consumer Animosity When marketing the product, ethnocentrism is not important and effective to the consumer, the product should harmonize the local culture which is easy to accept to the consumer. Animosity is also a force we should consider.Choosing a foreign market without animosity will helpful to develop the industry, and decrease the barriers of entry. Summary According to the whole report, we have concluded the details of the description of the nature of the product, service and environment justification for country recommendation. To develop the industry maturely and successfully, we indicates the competitor identification. When setting up industry outside the home country, we analysis both of the current and the future scheme in order to make a bright development for the corporation.Customer is the most important element in the market, we made a deep understanding of them to know what they need. Then market segmentation, target marketing and positioning analysis can be beneficial to us to make the company more hopeful and promising. At last, international marketing mix and other international marketing related factors have mentioned to make a plan to the company. We have totally analysis the whole factors that related to the company in order to develop the industry more successfully outside the home country.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Principles of accounts Essay

1. Explain the concept of accounting; concept of â€Å"Accounting† and â€Å"Principles of Accounting† 2. State the purpose of accounting; Accounting as a business practice – the purpose of Accounting. 3. Identify the users of accounting information; Internal and external users Accounting information and their needs 4. Outline the distinguishing features of various types of business organizations; Types of business organizations: (i) Sole-Traders (ii) Partnerships (iii) Corporations (Limited Liability companies) (iv) Cooperatives (v) Non-Profit Organizations 5. Identify the main financial statements prepared by various business organizations; Financial Statements – Income statement, Trading and Profit & Loss A/C, Income and Expenditure A/C, Balance sheets, Cash Flow Statements. (Teachers are not expected to teach how to prepare the cash flow statements but it should be identified as one of the financial statements which must be prepared by corporations). 6. Describe the accounting cycle; The Accounting cycle with its diagrammatic representation. 7. Outline the concepts and conventions that guide the accounting process; Accounting concepts and conventions – principles which guide the accounting process: accrual and matching concept; prudence (conservation) concept; consistency concept; separate entity concept. 8. Assess the role and impact of technology on the accounting process; (a) accounting processes which could be readily preformed by the use of the computer, for example: payroll, stock control, debtors’ and creditors’ schedules. (b) What are the software currently being used in Accounting e.g. Peachtree, SimplyAccounting (c) Advantages and disadvantages of using the computer in accounting. CXC CSEC Principles of Accounts Exam Guide Section 1: Introduction to Principles of Accounts SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES The students should be able to: CONTENT 1. Explain the concept of accounting; concept of â€Å"Accounting† and â€Å"Principles of Accounting† 2. State the purpose of accounting; Accounting as a business practice – the purpose of Accounting. 3. Identify the users of accounting information; Internal and external users Accounting information and their needs 4. Outline the distinguishing features of various types of business organizations; Types of business organizations: (i) Sole-Traders (ii) Partnerships (iii) Corporations (Limited Liability companies) (iv) Cooperatives (v) Non-Profit Organizations 5. Identify the main financial statements prepared by various business organizations; Financial Statements – Income statement, Trading and Profit & Loss A/C, Income and Expenditure A/C, Balance sheets, Cash Flow Statements. (Teachers are not expected to teach how to prepare the cash flow statements but it should be identified as one of the financial statements which must be prepared by corporations). 6. Describe the accounting cycle; The Accounting cycle with its diagrammatic representation. 7. Outline the concepts and conventions that guide the accounting process; Accounting concepts and conventions – principles which guide the accounting process: accrual and matching concept; prudence (conservation) concept; consistency concept; separate entity concept. 8. Assess the role and impact of technology on the accounting process; (a) accounting processes which could be readily preformed by the use of the computer, for example: payroll, stock control, debtors’ and creditors’ schedules. (b) What are the software currently being used in Accounting e.g. Peachtree, SimplyAccounting (c) Advantages and disadvantages of using the computer in accounting.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Media and Communication essay

buy custom Media and Communication essay Media communication involves some processes that transmission and storage channels of used in delivery or storage of data or information. Sometimes referred as, mass media or news media. The print media The initial stage of human communication begun in the invention of artificial media. At around 550 B.C the Persians developed the first postal system which acted as an intelligence centre where king of Medes made use of this developed system of courier to communicate his decisions. It was as well used by the Roman Empire to centralize control from Rome (David 2005). After the alphabetic writing was discovered, the field gained civilization and focused on printing as the basic information transfer mode this ideographic writing produced the initial civilization which presided the alphabetic writing. Effects of print media Although it managed to each a sizable part of the expected population, it managed to make a breakthrough in the field of communication from the traditional unreliable ways. It marked the beginning of modern civilization, where transfer of complex information, concepts and ideas was transferred from one individual to another. Electronic media Electronic media is the recent discovery in the mass communication sector. As compared to static (printed) media which preceded it, electronic media has developed through various stages to reach where it is today. The electronic media generally familiar with many people are audio and video recordings, multimedia and slide presentations, disks and online media which are largely on digital form (Scannell, 2007). Different styles of writing were developed the whole world over and each had its own achievements. It has served as the best source of record as it is less prone to damage and other shortcomings. During the industrial revolution, interccity communication was improved as mass production was made possible. Effects of electronic media The effects to this type of communication are the far distance conveyance of information within a flash of a second. In 1906, the first Trans Atlantic radio broadcast that applied the analogue technology was put in place. In the modern world, telecommunication has globalised everything in the world over through long distance exchange of information on internet, e-mail and voice calls. Socially, media technology has brought people together more and more through the creation of online communities and social networking sites (Mansell and Raboy, 2011). It has thus helped to connect diverse people over distant geographical locations. It has expanded the internet business and other events on online version. It is not wrong to say that everything has gone the information technology way as there is barely no field that is unaffected by it has thrived as expected. Buy custom Media and Communication essay

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


STARTING OFF . . . AS A FICTION WRITER After last weeks editorial about becoming known as a writer first Interesting article, but with so few magazines publishing fiction, what are we to do, write for the â€Å"little magazines† for no pay? My bad. I was not clear. What I meant to say is that you need to become known as a writer first . . . in any way possible. . . even in magazines. Even if you write fiction, you can write nonfiction for magazines, which gets you used to deadlines, writing tight, and adhering to editorial guidelines. Once people realize you write, they follow you to your fiction. The average person doesnt recognize that you are a fiction writer or nonfiction writer. They just know you write. Call me a blasphemer for making you write outside your genre. Im being practical, pragmatic, and common sensical. Im a left brain person. Nonfiction pays. Fiction doesnt until you bust all the odds over a long period of time. So . . . if you want to write FOR A LIVING . . . you write nonfiction for a while to become established. Also, fiction has an advantage that nonfiction doesnt have. Contests. There are ten or twenty times the number of contests for fiction than nonfiction. Especially if you write short stories, from flash to 15,000 words. So, while youre writing all that nonfiction that might go against the grain, you can keep preening and honing your fiction for contests. Win one or two contests, and opportunities open up more. What other options do you have as a fiction writer? Write for literary magazines, for little to nothing. Write for genre magazines, for little to nothing. Yes, the clips count. Yes, agents and publishers will admire you for getting published. Just be realistic and accept the fact it is hard to earn a living writing short fiction for magazines and lit journals. But seriously, what nonfiction can you write about as a fiction author? Ideas you can use -how to write or be a writer pieces (The Writer, Writers Digest) -become a specialist about your genre (Amanda Hocking blogged about fantasy) -become a specialist about your setting (rural, inner city, beach, government, a state, a country) -become a specialist about your time period -write for trades in your profession represented in your stories(cake decorator, doctor, police, computer techie, dog trainer) -write for mags that use your voice(humor, noir, cozy, sexy) -beliefs or causes (Mary Alice Monroe and environmental conservation) -subject matter research or methods(PI Magazine on forensics or police procedure if youre a mystery author) -geography(Pat Conroy and Dorothea Benton Frank on South Carolina) Hopefully your mind is spinning with ideas now!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Foodborne Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Foodborne Disease - Essay Example The means from the two groups were examined and a t-test was performed in order to determine if there was a statistically significant difference between their food safety knowledge. It was determined that there was a difference in food safety knowledge between the two groups and researchers recommended that a food safety educational program be administered to employees in order to reduce the incidence of food borne illness. In addition, it was recommended that this group be tracked for further incidences of outbreaks in order to determine the efficacy of that food safety program. 100 employees at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4, contracted food borne illnesses in 5 consecutive years. It was determined that an investigation into food safety handling knowledge of employees would be beneficial in determining whether or not an educational program needed to be administered. 2 Two groups of participants were recruited, those with food safety education that occurred less than 10 years ago and those that had education longer than 10 years ago or no education at all. These participants were then administered a food safety test and test results were rated on a percentage basis. The means from the two groups were examined and a t-test was performed in order to determine if there was a statistically significant difference between their food safety knowledge. 2 In an examination of disease dissemination at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 4, it was discovered that 100 employees contracted food borne illnesses in a period of 5 years. It was deemed this investigator that this number of outbreaks was considered problematic and that inadequate food safety practices among employees were the likely culprit. Food safety practices are usually taught by health care practitioners, dieticians and through media outlets that attempt to inform consumers, food handlers and at risk population’s

Friday, November 1, 2019

Language Acquisition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Language Acquisition - Essay Example Several theories have been put forward that try and explain this process (Pinker, language acquisition). Some theorists believe that the acquisition of language is a natural and intrinsic part of the child growth process and down play the importance of parental feedback while others believe that it is the result of their surrounding environment and how they interact with others, thereby according significance to adult- child interaction. This paper seeks to analyze the different theories that have been put forward to explain language acquisition evaluating how they all explore the importance of parental feedback in the development of linguistic skills. Nativist theorists believe that a child is born with an intrinsic ability to learn a language which makes it relatively easy for them to learn a new language as opposed to adults who wish to learn a second language. In this sense, language is viewed as part of the human genetic make up; a natural trait similar to birds learning how to fly and fish learning how to swim (Macwinney, 1998). As Macwinney (1998) points out, several researchers believe that since the acquisition of language seems to be unique only to humans and it must be... Theories have been put forward to support this infant innate grammar module. Children seem to exhibit an uncanny ability to respect syntax in their early speech. This lends credence to the belief that the ability to learn language is genetically wired in the brain. However, the nativist theories have been criticized for failing to properly and accurately account for their claims on acquisition of the language, causing researchers to look for other explanations to the inherent human capacity to learn language (Macwinney, 1998). Parental feedback in the Nativism theory Parental feedback is not perceived to be of any significance to a child's acquisition of language. Nativism theorists point out that children do most of the language acquisition by themselves, as illustrated when a family migrates to a foreign country. The parents seem to struggle with the new language and may not master it completely but children will always adapt faster and speak the language more richly and fluently than their parents. This by itself negates any role of parental feedback in the acquisition of language as the children are able to adapt better than the parents. Emergentism This is a branch of nativist theory approach but differs from nativism in that it views the acquisition of language as an outcome not just of the intrinsic biology of human cognition, but also as a result of social patterns of interaction and input. Emergentism views children as learning language through means of a self organizing map with auditory, concept and articulatory as the pillars. A child learns language almost independently by associating different elements to these pillars (Macwinney, 1998). Macwinney (1998) points out that there are neural networks in the brain that will influence the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Essay on Process Improvement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On Process Improvement - Essay Example Following a lengthy process, the recruitment process conducted by TS takes too long resulting in some interested candidates getting taken away by other companies. Within the framework of the company itself, some employees appear very dissatisfied with the services rendered by the company. The level of input appear to be dwindling among the employees of Talent Seek, reaching levels of failing to cooperate with the newly appointed manager of the Business Analysis and Improvement team. Objectives of the improvement process The purposes of performing a process improvement include identifying the processes that require improvement, analyzing the identified processes, and finally implementing the desired changes aimed at improving the processes. The processes reviewed for improvement ought to present a surmountable impact on the customer satisfaction or competitive advantage. While numerous reasons exist, for implementing process improvement, the case of Talent Seek would mainly aim at imp roving customer satisfaction with the services offered. The improvement of customer satisfaction, required by the company, remains reducing the time taken to complete requested recruitments. This duration appears to cause some qualified candidates to lose interest in the employment opportunities offered. Reducing the duration, therefore, remains essential to the overall improvement of the process and ensuring the recruitment of the best candidates within the specified job market. The improvements Disconnects could be defined as elements that appear to inhibit the efficient and proper functioning of a process (Rummler, 1996). They form the basis upon which improvements should target, as handling disconnects improves the entire process. Proper handling of the prevalent disconnects remains essential in ensuring improvement of the entire process. Within the TS recruitment process, majority of the delays result from processes considered protocol within the company. Majority of these â₠¬Ëœprotocol’ stages could be eliminated in order to quicken the process, hence improvement of the operations. In the preparation stages of the process, the client-end managers could be handed the task of determining terms and conditions for the various vacancies. This would efficiently cut the consultation period utilized when the TS team determines the terms, and the client-end managers have to counter-check before the process can proceed. A cost effective method for implementing such changes would be charging for the services of drawing conditions and terms. Companies willing to have conditions determined by TS would pay for the service, effectively; the TS Company would cater for the remunerations of the individuals performing the job through these payments, while making a profit. Within the recruitment process, TS could limit the duties performed by the recruitment panelists. The roles of the panelists could be reduced to only conducting the vis-a-vis interviews. The aspe ct of having the panelists’ review the applications could be done away with as it only consumes time. Since panelists must be sourced once applications have been received, the roles played by these individuals need to remain minimized to reduce the duration. The role of the panelist in the actual recruitment ought to remain limited to conducting the interview, on the specified period. Being expatriates, retaining panelists for long periods could prove costly to the recruiting company. In managing the costs

Monday, October 28, 2019

Macro environmental factors that affect firms

Macro environmental factors that affect firms These factors are not within the control of management of business but still affects the business up to large extends. These factors are almost uncontrollable. The organization has to fit into this environment to survive in this competitive scenario. These factors of macro environment also affects the factors within the organization i.e. factors of micro environment. There are many factors in the macro-environment that will affect the decisions of the managers of any organization in this whole world. Tax changes, new laws, trade barriers, demographic change and government policy, political changes are all examples of macro change. To analyze these factors managers can categories them using the PESTEL model. Political factors: This refers to government policy, For example: the degree of intervention in the economy. What goods and services a government wants to provide? Up To what extent does it believe in subsidizing firms? What are its major priorities in terms of business support? Political decisions can impact on many vital areas of business such as the education of the workforce, the health of the nation and the quality of the infrastructure of the economy such as the road and rail system. Economic factors: This includes interest rates, taxation changes, economic growth, inflation and exchange rates. For example: Higher interest rate may deter the investment because it costs more to borrow. Inflation may provoke the higher wage demands from employees and raise costs. Higher national income growth may boost the demand for a firms products. Social factors: Changes in social trends can impact on the demand for a firms products and the availability and willingness of employees to work. For example: In the UK, the population has been ageing. This has increased the costs for firms who are committed to pension payments for their employees because their staffs are living longer. It also means some firms like ASDA have started to recruit older employees to tap into this growing labor pool. The ageing population also has impact on demand. For example: Demand for sheltered accommodation and medicines have increased whereas demand for toys is falling. Technological factors: New technology creates new products and new processes. MP3 players, computer games, online gambling, i-pods and high definition TVs are all new markets created by technological advances. Online shopping, bar coding and computer aided design are all improvements to the way the businessmen do business as a result of better technology. Technology can reduce costs; improve quality and leads to innovation. These developments can benefit consumers as well as the organizations which providing the products. Environmental factors: Environmental factor includes the weather and climate change. Changes in temperature can impact on many industries which include farming, tourism and insurance. With major climate changes occurring due to global warming and with greater environmental awareness these external factors are becoming a significant issue for firms to consider. The growing desire to protect the environment is having an impact on many industries like the travel and transportation industries (For example: more taxes being placed on air travel and the success of hybrid cars.) and the general move towards more environmental friendly products and processes is affecting demand patterns and creating business opportunities. Legal factors: These are related to the legal environment in which firm operates. In recent years in the UK there have been many beneficial legal changes that have affected firms behavior. The introduction of age discrimination and disability discrimination legislation, an increase in the minimum wage and greater requirements for firms to recycle are examples of the recent laws that affect an organisations actions. Legal changes can affect a firms costs and demand. IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Firm to identify opportunities and getting the first mover advantage: Early identification of opportunities helps an enterprise to be the first to catch them instead of losing them to competitors. For example: Maruti Udyog became the leader in the small car market since it was the first to recognize the need for small cars in India. Firm to identify threats and early warning signals: If an Indian firm finds that a foreign multinational company is entering the Indian market it should gives a warning signal and Indian firms can meet the threat by adopting, by improving the quality of the product, reducing cost of the production, engaging in aggressive advertising, and so on. Coping with rapid changes: All sizes and all types of industries are facing increasingly dynamic environment. In order to effectively cope with these significant changes, managers must understand and examine the environment and develop suitable courses of action. Improving performance: The enterprises that continuously monitor their environment and adopt suitable business practices are the ones which not only improve their present performance but also continue to succeed in the market for a longer period of time. THE ORGANISATIONAL EXTERNAL BUSINESS STRATEGY By using the PESTEL framework a manager can analyze the many different factors in a firms macro environment. However, it is important not to just list PESTEL factors since this does not in it tell managers very much. What managers need to do is to think about which factors are most likely to change and which will have the greatest impact on them i.e. each firm must identify the key factors in their own environment. Managers must decide on the relative importance of various factors and one way of doing this is to rank and score the likelihood of a change occurring and also rate the impact if it did The higher the likelihood of a change occurring and the greater the impact of any change the more beneficial this factor will be to the firms planning. External Strategies of different organization Economic factors :- Vodafone: The growth of Asian countries like India and china, have had massive effects on Vodafone. Vodafone can relocate production there to benefit from lower costs; these emerging markets are also providing enormous markets for them to aim their product at. With a population of over 1 billion, for example, the Chinese market is not one that anyone would want to ignore, at the same time Chinese producers should not be ignored either. Social factors :- McDonaldà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s: Important strategic decisions are a key factor to Mac Donaldà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s success with consideration for both internal and external factors. When considering the foreign market, companies need to consider there are risks. There must be local marketing to appeal to the local consumers and also to build relationships and trust (Bateman Scott, 2004). Therefore, the strategic planning for marketing has to be effective enough. McDonaldà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s caters its menu in other countries to the cultures of the regions. For example, in India, the non-vegetarian menu includes chicken and fish items only. Beef is not on the menu in India because are considered sacred. Political-legal factors:- American auto makers, the electric car and California: Electric cars For whatever reasons, several of the auto manufacturers in the USA began developing which they leased to satisfied customers. Then, California decided that it would be a good idea to mandate to American auto makers that if they expected to sell their cars in California they would have to invent some new technology reducing carbon dioxide. Presumably, California expected to see an increase of the electric cars being sold by auto makers. What happened is quite the opposite and the auto makers took a hard look at their electric car program, uncertain how to market a clean vehicle without admitting the piston engine vehicles are dirty, realizing that much of the profit from a piston engine vehicle comes with the replacement of the parts and not so with electric cars and finally, realizing that a State, not even the State of California can make them build technology they dont have, nor can any state even make them keep b uilding the technology they do have, and so, the auto makers killed their own electric car program and this was the impact of a political-legal environment. Technological factors:- NOKIA: The starting models of Nokia had some technical problem with battery backup. People who were using those handsets often complain which had spoil the reputation of the Nokia completely. The sales and market price of Nokia fell down drastically. Then management took serious consideration to these problems, and modifies all the handset with latest technology. Nokia had been successful to regain the trust of its consumers and as a result it enjoys monopoly in market. Environmental factors:- Tesco: In 2003, there has been increased pressure on various companies and managers to acknowledge their responsibility to society, and act in a way which benefits society overall. The main societal issue threatening food retailers has been environmental issues, a key area for companies to act in a socially responsible way. Hence by recognizing this trend within the broad ethical stance. Tescos corporate social responsibility is concerned with the ways in which the organization exceeds the minimum obligations to stakeholders specified through regulation and corporate governance. Graiser and Scott (2004) states that in 2003 the government has intended to launch a new strategy for sustainable consumption and production to cut waste reduce consumption of resources and minimize environmental damage. The latest legislation has created a new tax on advertising highly processed and fatty foods. The so-called à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“fat tax directly affected the Tesco product ranges that have subsequently been adapted and affecting relationships with both suppliers and customers.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Homeless: What Has Been Done To Decrease The Problem? :: essays research papers

Homeless: What Has Been Done To Decrease The Problem? One of the largest growing concerns in Toronto is the constantly increasing number of citizens who are finding themselves living on the streets. With the decrease in the number of available jobs, the population of homeless people has literally boomed. My questions are not as simple to answer as they may appear. Why is a large portion of our community forced to live on the streets? What has be done to decrease the problem? These are the questions I will confront in my essay. With the economical wealth attributed to the name "Canada", one would have to wonder why there is a homeless situation at all. This problem is especially evident in Canada's wealthiest city, Toronto. When it comes to the affairs of the people, it is the government who should intervene. When I look at what the government has done with regard to the homeless problem, I have to doubt that everything is being done to eradicate it. The United Nations implemented a universal declaration of human rights. Article 25 Section 1 of this declaration states: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and necessary social services, and to the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. This is a step in the right direction. However, this is not enough. These rights are subject to the discretion of the government of the country who decides to obey these universal rights. How much is "adequate"? The government, both at the federal and municipal levels, is currently working on new spending cuts. These cuts also include spending on welfare, unemployment and social services that are geared towards helping the homeless. Spending cuts can be seen as a necessity to maintain the country economically, but the reason for having a government in the first place is to take care of the people. How can this be done when money is being taken away from those services that are necessary to uphold this obligation? Simply put, it cannot. Those obligations are served by nonprofit organizations who depend on government grants to maintain a standard of care for those who need the services. The blame cannot be placed only on the government. Such a system of assistance depends on its beneficiaries to be honest and have some integrity. Many recipients of these services attempt to "cheat the system".

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Three Changes of My Old School

I last went to the High School of Science & Technology. One of the changes they have made is the reinforcement of rules, having more safety within the students. Another change is the organization by providing counselors for specific and newly created departments. Also they are providing more time to students specially seniors who have planned to go to college. One of the changes they have made is the reinforcement of rules, they been having more safety within the students.Before I left there were rules nut they were never reinforce as much as this new year because they have had difficult situations in the past. After the past situations one of the ways they reinforce the rules is by giving out warnings to students the first time they commit an offense. If the students behavior continues they would have meetings with parents and counselors which helps a lot because they can work out any kind of problem they student is having. Because of this meeting students can get help for them, as well it helps teachers and other student s to concentrate better in their classes.Another change they made is the organization by providing counselors for specific and newly created departments. The school created a group for students who have lost family members or close friends. They used to do it once a month and every time people would go they would express themselves but there was lack of organization with the stuff they were going to be discussed during the meeting. This year they have prevented themselves with this situation when they see that students are going out of topic they stop and come back to what is supposed to be discussing during the meeting.Now meetings go in session every other week and they do two sections a day this way they divide the students in two groups and have a little more time for each one. Finally they are providing more time to students specially seniors who have planned to go to college. Many students that graduated last year had problems with coun selors because they would never have the time to meet with students and help them out with the preparation of college.Also applications to college were being sent late and some students could not get into the college they wanted. This year they are trying to keep on time applications for college and scholarships that way students won’t get frustrated and just looking to be successful in life. In summary reinforcing the rules, having better organization, and providing more time to students is a good beginning of a better school. These changes are the most important things that are outstanding in order to have a successful school.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lexington and Concord, Who Fired First? Essay

The battle that was fought at Lexington and Concord was seen all across America as â€Å"The shot heard around the world† or the beginning to the American Revolution. It is truly began the war between America and Britain, especially from the rage created by the battle. But to tell who exactly fired first to start this event is really unclear in some minds. But in perspective, the British were the ones who most likely set the spark aflame because they knew about the weaponry, they came knowing they’d take the land by force so the intention was there, and the Americans were minimally prepared for the invasion. Since the conflict was going on throughout the two countries, battles were beginning to up rise in the colonies and frustration was building up. To give themselves an advantage in the fighting, the red-coats knew where the American weapons were stored in large numbers and intended on taking it from them to give them the upper hand with the attack and put them forward towards victory. And in addition, when American troops came out and stopped the British for Simon, who was apparently taken by force, blocking their way of proceeding any further, an officer was observed by Simon commanding to fire at the American militia. This was the only observed action that provided the first shot by anyone which leans towards the British beginning the revolution. However the source may or may not be true, hence more detail can be looked into what actually happened. Seeing that also that a British soldier also admitted on their own side that their captain was the one to command firing at the scene the evidence pushing it to their fault is leading to be above needed. Though no proof itself was presented the known facts lead us to believe that the first shot was given by the red-coat soldiers. Now getting back into the reason they were going to concord, their purpose was specifically to infiltrate their weapons area containing threatening items of warfare to give them an advantage. Obviously the Americans wouldn’t give up their stash of things that protects them from the British without force. So this means that the English troops were expecting revolt against them and were prepared to fight to receive the artillery. This leads to the last fact given to support the assumption of the British attacking first, preparation. The soldiers of England were given orders to march from Boston to march to Lexington and Concord to take the intimidating weaponry from them. They were mentally and physically prepared for the upcoming battle awaiting them as they marched. However, the colonist militia had no clue of the attack until they had Prescott come and warn them of the march awaiting their fate soon to come. No reason was given, no knowing whether or not to be ready to defend their home or if they were just passing through. All they had was the sense of trouble that could possibly be coming. They actually were ordered to disperse, and they did, when the troops arrived, to cause no harm or threat. But once the shooting started, it sparked something much bigger. And it is for these reasons and supporting facts that I believe it was the British were the ones to first fire at the American militia. Even though there is no true way of finding out with the existing known facts of whose actual fault it was, the details basically are saying that it was the British militia who fire the first shot at the battle, being the ones who shot the â€Å"Shot heard around the world† and beginning the revolution. The evidences that support it is that the knowledge of armory by the British, the intention to attack by them , and lastly the minimal preparation of the American people that lead us to think that it was the British who fired the first shot.