Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analytical Modal Of Circular Patch - 905 Words

ANALYTICAL MODAL OF CIRCULAR PATCH USING FSS AT 5.8GHZ FOR WLAN APPLICATION Amit Kirti Saran1, Gaurav Bhardwaj 2, Geeta 3 1,2EC Student, Apex Institute of Technology, Rampur, Uttar-Pradesh, India 3Assistant Professor, Apex Institute of Technology, Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, India Abstract – In this letter, we describes the planning and comparative analysis of circular patch with FSS layer with regard to dimensional characterization. Patch and substrate can play the important role within the performance of the antenna. Dimensions and material of the substrate has an influence on the output parameters of the antenna. A comparative analysis is finished for the 2 models and Simulation output parameters return loss, VSWR, gain, radiation patterns and field distributions for each the cases square measure bestowed during this work. Substrate utilized Roger RT/Duroid 5880(TM) which has a dielectric constant of 2.2. The result demonstrates the wideband radio wire (antenna) to work exactly from 5.8GHz frequency band with ideal resonant frequency at 5.8GHz. This antenna mainly designed for wireless application as WLAN, Bluetooth and etc. Index Terms— Circular Patch, FSS, Coax-feed method, Return loss, Gain, HFSS 13.0 . I. INTRODUCTION MIRCOPATCH ANTENNA are divided into four categories they are: †¢ Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna †¢ FSS †¢ Slot antenna †¢ Coax-feed For remote correspondences, multi-band and

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Elements of Religious Traditions Essay - 912 Words

Elements of Religious Traditions Margaret Chandler REL/133 World Religious Traditions I University of Phoenix May 16, 2011 Elements of Religious Traditions Many people in this world today have some kind of religion in their lives or just none. However, no matter what people beliefs are, they believe in some form of religion in some part of life such as the satanic, idols, myths, or astrology. They believe in some sort of a higher being other than people. Nevertheless, there is a difference between beliefs, being scared, and being religious. In this paper, you†¦show more content†¦However, whenever people learn things, they start to dedicate their lives to what they know or learned. Nevertheless, personal items or ways of beings could become scared in our lives. Therefore, what does it mean to be sacred? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica Company (2011), â€Å"Sacred means: dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity† (Definition of SACRED, p. 1). Nevertheless, we have many beliefs, religious and sacred traditions man follow to explain life. All three of these cou ld be present in one religious; however, you do not need to have beliefs to be religious, or be scared and be religious. However, when someone is religious, it comes solely from what person beliefs are, but a person may not be sacred and still be religious. This is said because, some people believe that when you die people come back as either another human or some living creature. However, because they believe in such does not necessarily mean that they are religious, just that they believe. One can have something very sacred to their heart and not be religious. Many denominations of religions in this world; the one we are most familiar within the United States are Christianity, Nonreligious/Secular, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Agnostic, Atheist, Hinduism, and more. According to (2005), In February and March 2002 the Pew Research Council conducted a survey of 2,002 adults † (Top LargestShow MoreRelatedElements of Religious Traditions1308 Words   |  6 PagesElem ents of Religious Traditions Chriselda Oani REL/134 November 14, 2011 Jorge Luna Elements of Religious Traditions All religions and beliefs are different. Some religions share the same characteristics, while some do not. Religion varies from culture to culture. Certain religions worship a divine being, have a sacred book, or commandments which they follow. â€Å"Shinto, for example, does not have a set of commandments, nor does it preach a moral code; Zen Buddhism does not worship a divineRead MoreElements of Religious Traditions785 Words   |  4 PagesElements of Religious Traditions paper Lesly Jeanpois UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX Elements of Religious Traditions paper In today’s world, there are many religions and, they all practice and worship in different ways. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Humanities Art Quizzes Modules 5

Humanities Art Quizzes Modules 5-7 TRUE or FALSE: Images of heaven and hell caused medieval people to consider their eternal fate. True TRUE or FALSE: Relics were held to have spiritual power—to affect healing miracles and time off from Purgatory. True The semicircular space above a Romanesque portal is called a _____. tympanum The Second and Third Crusades were announced at _____. VÃ ©zelay TRUE or FALSE: Gothic architecture used mostly rounded arches. False The three parts of the Gothic nave elevation are _____. the arcade, the triforium, and the clerestory TRUE or FALSE: Berlinghieris St. Francis Altarpiece emphasizes the ways in which St. Francis is like Christ. True Abbot Suger wanted to create an architectural style that would express the growing power of _____. the French monarchy TRUE or FALSE: In his Ognissanti Madonna, Giotto used light and shadow to model Marys body. True TRUE or FALSE: In his Ognissanti Madonna, Giotto begins to create an illusion of space to contain his carefully modeled representation of Mary. True TRUE or FALSE: Through the inclusion of Old Testament prophets, panel paintings of this time, such as Giottos Ognissanti Madonna suggest that Christ and Mary initiate a new religion with no ties to past traditions. False TRUE or FALSE: In the medieval Catholic belief system, people who committed sins could atone for them with good works, such as paying to have a chapel decorated with a religious narrative. True Giotto was probably _____s student and learned chiaroscuro, or the use of light and shadow, from him. Cimabue In the Santa Trinita Madonna, Cimabue painted Marys drapery in a way that emphasized _____. lines TRUE or FALSE: Cimabues Santa Trinita Madonna uses a single, unified viewpoint. False Giorgio Vasari saw this artist as the first Florentine artist who began to turn away from the traditional Byzantine style. Cimabue SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Enrico Scrovegni commissioned Giotto to paint frescoes in the Arena Chapel because _____. he believed that engaging in good works would ensure his salvation he wanted to atone for his and his fathers sin of usury In the Arena Chapel, Christ is generally shown _____. in profile The smaller painted panels at the bottom of Duccios Maesta decorate the part of the altarpiece called the _____. predella The gold background of many Late-Gothic pieces, such as Duccios Virgin and Child with Saints Dominic and Aurea, represents _____. All of these SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Duccios Maesta shows the Virgin and Child surrounded by figures. Who are these figures? angels saints apostles Duccios Rucellai Madonna shows the influence of the _____. Byzantine style Who was the primary audience for the back of Duccios Maesta? the clergy Why was the Bayeux Tapestry commissioned? To celebrate Williams conquest of England. Previous madonnas, and even those by contemporary Sienese painters, show Mary as ____, where Giotto shows her as ____. delicate and slender / solid and monumental The narrative scenes in the Arena Chapel begin with _____, move on to _____, and end with scenes of the _____. Life of Mary / Life of Christ / Passion Brunelleschi and Ghibertis competition panels for the Florence _____ doors are sometimes seen as the beginning of the Renaissance. Baptistery TRUE or FALSE: Ghibertis figure of Isaac references Ancient Egyptian sculpture. False TRUE or FALSE: Brunelleschis panel shows a violent and dramatic moment where Abraham is in the process of killing Isaac before he is stopped by the angel. True Compared with Brunelleschis panel, Ghibertis panel is more _____ as Abraham hesitates as looks directly into Isaacs face. emotionally complex SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: David, the biblical underdog, defeated his giant enemy with Gods help. Who identified with David? The Florentines The Medici family _ made figures look like they were moving and really alive, unlike medieval sculpture. Contrapposto Which of the following is NOT true of Donatellos David? The sculpture is typical of its time in that it shows a sense of eroticism. TRUE or FALSE: Donatellos David shows a return to the admiration of the human body we see in ancient Greek and Roman art. True TRUE or FALSE: Masaccios Holy Trinity is credited with being the first true example of one-point linear perspective. True One-point linear perspective was developed by _____. Brunelleschi Which of the following is NOT true of Masaccios Holy Trinity? The barrel vault with coffers recalls the architecture of Ancient Egypt. In Masaccios Tribute Money, the scene shows atmospheric perspective, which allows the mountain to recede into the background through changes in _____. color Which of the following is NOT true of Masaccios Tribute Money? Although Masaccio tried to create a convincing illusion of real life, the light in the painting does not align with the light from the windows in the Brancacci Chapel. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: What are the classical elements of Donatellos David? The use of contrapposto The free-standing nude figure The use of bronze The figures in Piero della Francescas Portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino in profile and the use of the profile was an attempt to recreate ruler portraits from _____. Classical antiquity TRUE or FALSE: Profile portraits are associated with piety and submission to God. False Renaissance women plucked their hairline because high foreheads were also thought to be _____. beautiful Which of the following is NOT true of Piero della Francescas Portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino? These two portraits were once part of a larger altarpiece for the familys chapel. Michelangelo brought a strong _____ element to the painted figures on the Sistine Chapel. Sculptural Michelangelo brought a strong _____ element to the painted figures on the Sistine Chapel. The architectural framing that we see surrounding the central scenes is the only real element on the ceiling, the remainder is paint. TRUE or FALSE: Michelangelos figures in the Sistine Chapel recall the strength, beauty, and idealism of classical sculpture. True Which of the following is NOT true of Michelangelos sibyls in the Sistine Chapel? The body of the Libyan Sybil twists in a complex pose that is typical of the High Renaissance. Raphael is painting the Stanza della Segnatura at the Papal Palace at the same time that Michelangelo is painting the _____. Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel TRUE or FALSE: Raphaels School of Athens shows how the Catholic world rejected the classical world during the High Renaissance. False Which of the following is NOT true of Raphaels School of Athens? The two central figures in the painting are Christ and St. Peter. TRUE or FALSE: In Raphaels School of Athens, the gestures of Plato and Aristotle in the painting reference the ideas of these philosophers. Plato points to the heavens, as his writings dealt with intangible heavenly things. Aristotle points down because he was interested in observable, tangible, earthly things. True In the colossal statue of David, Michelangelo created a(n) _____ body. Idealized TRUE or FALSE: A sacra conversazione, or sacred conversation, is a painting that shows the Madonna and Child talking to saints from different time periods. True Which of the following is NOT true of Mantegnas Dead Christ? The artist perfectly executed the foreshortening of the body of Christ. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: What characteristics of oil paint did Giovanni Bellini exploit? Oil paint dries slowly Which of the following is NOT true of The Arnolifini Portrait by Van Eyck? Giovanni Arnolfinis wife was pregnant with their first child at the time of this painting In Van Eycks The Arnolifini Portrait, the removed shoes may symbolize that _____. the couple stands on holy ground. What allowed Jan van Eyck to create the luminous quality of the painting, The Arnolfini Portrait? Multiple layers of glazes The Arnolfini Portrait is typical of other works from the Northern Renaissance because of its _____. attention to detail. TRUE or FALSE: This scene of the Deposition shows Christ being removed from the cross and is one of the standard scenes from the life of Christ. True Van der Weydens Deposition reveals many artistic conventions of the Northern Renaissance. Which of the following is NOT present in the painting? An interest in detailed landscapes In his Deposition, Van der Weyden gives his figures great emotional intensity combined with great attention to detail. These allow the viewer _____. to empathize with the figures in the scene Van der Weyden carefully constructed the composition of his Deposition. Which of the following does NOT describe the composition of the painting? Van der Weyden uses rigid symmetry to organize the figures in the painting. Luther taught that Christians should follow _____. The Bible Before the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church was _____. the only church in Western Europe. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Which of the following statements are true of the Counter-Reformation? During the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church made a great effort to spread Catholicism, especially to newly discovered places. As part of the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church tried to stamp out heresy The Council of Trent affirmed the role of art in the Catholic Church. The Protestant Reformation brought about _____ the creation of many new Protestant churches. Luther believed _____. in the priesthood of all believers. The anamorphic skull in the center of Hans Holbeins The Ambassadors is _____. a memento mori (reminder of death). Martin Luther taught that Christians should follow _____. The Bible The Counter-Reformation was a response to _____. the growth of Protestantism. The rise of Protestantism led to all of the following EXCEPT _____. the development of the printing press. Although Baroque art takes various forms, it is characterized by its attempt to _____. involve the viewer. What was the main reason the Royal Society for Improving Natural Knowledge was established? to encourage and share scientific discoveries based on observation and experiment Which contributed the most to the spread of intellectual ideas in the 16th and 17th century? advances in printing technology The term Baroque derives from the Spanish and Portuguese word meaning _____. an irregular pearl. Which was an outcome of the Scientific Revolution? economic growth due to industrialization SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: In the Dutch Republic in the 17th century _____. the production of small scale paintings increased to decorate private homes. the popularity of landscape painting grew. the popularity of genre scenes grew. How did the Catholic Church differ in its ideas about religious art from the Protestants? Protestants criticized what they saw as the Catholic cult of images. TRUE or FALSE: Berninis David makes us want to duck and get out of the way. The involvement of the viewer in this way is typical of Renaissance art. FALSE Which of the following is NOT true of Berninis David? Berninis David looks back to the Renaissance in the figures elegance and proportions TRUE or FALSE: Berninis David carefully stays inside the confines of the base and pedestal, increasing the dynamic emotion and theatrical impact. FALSE Typical of Italian Baroque art, Berninis Ecstasy of Saint Teresa tries to engage the viewer in order to _____. Inspire faith Which of the following is NOT true of Berninis Ecstasy of Saint Teresa? All of the marble was finished in the same way, unifying the figures with the architecture in the chapel. Bernini expressed ideas of _____ by using the ornate elements of the church to express a direct relationship between the individual and the spiritual realm. The Counter-Reformation TRUE or FALSE: Bernini involved the viewer through the entire space of the chapel, which suggests we are part of the audience witnessing the spiritual event. True Carvaggio created three paintings about _____ for the Contarelli Chapel in Rome. St. Matthew How does Caravaggios work support ideas of the Counter-Reformation? It shows the miraculous in everyday life. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Baroque art as seen in Berninis David? the emphasis on horizontal and vertical lines What did Bernini use to heighten the illusionistic effects of the sculpture groups The Ecstasy of St. Teresa and St. Andrew in Sant Andrea al Quirinale? a hidden window

Monday, December 2, 2019

Vanity Fair by William Thackeray Essay Example

Vanity Fair by William Thackeray Essay This extract from Vanity Fair by William Thackeray follows the interaction of several characters, namely, Mr Sedley, Miss Rebecca and Miss Amelia, where the attention is focused on Mr Sedleys hesitation. Several characteristics of this passage are how the author has portrayed society, the way in which the author has expressed his characters, and the stylistic techniques of his writing. In this extract, Thackeray has used recollection and the surroundings to depict society. When Miss Rebecca began to ask questions about India, Mr Sedley replied and recounted all his memories. Through his recollection, we are able to gain an impression of what society was like due to his experiences. We are given the notion that Mr Sedley is part of the wealthy class due to his travel to India, Miss Rebecca asked him a great number of questions about India, which gave him an opportunity of narrating many interesting anecdotes about that country and himself, as at that time (the book was written in 1847) travel was very expensive and not many could afford that luxury. He goes on further to mention, the balls at Government House, which also further suggest that he is part of this affluent class as he is able to attend them. The manner in which he describes his experiences of India, and subject choices he chose to tell were also superficial. He illustrates his experiences in a very barbaric and shallow manner, which adds to our impression of his social class. Even the manner in which Miss Rebecca replies and where she laughs at, or comments upon, could all be considered conventions of the wealthy upper class. We will write a custom essay sample on Vanity Fair by William Thackeray specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Vanity Fair by William Thackeray specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Vanity Fair by William Thackeray specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Descriptions of their clothing, and their activities that they engage in, all reflect their society, such as when Mr Sedley was, pulling up his shirt-collars, and when Miss Rebecca was knitting the green silk purse. Also, when some song which was performed in the other room came to an end, and caused him to hear his own voice so distinctly that he stopped, is an example of a characteristic of their society. Music was considered leisure and entertainment, and this was a frequent occurrence within their life. The way in which Thackery has expressed his characters is also a characteristic of this passage. In this passage, Mr Sedley is shown as a timid person. However, for a brief moment, due to Miss Rebecca, he is no longer timid and hesitant, but talkative and brimming with confidence. The author has portrayed Mr Sedley as a stereotypical quiet character who cannot hold a conversation with the opposite sex, until Miss Rebecca comes along. We notice in the first line that, almost for the first time in his life, Mr Sedley found himself talking, without the least timidity or hesitation, and again several times throughout the passage, and as he talked on, he grew quite bold, and actually had the audacity to ask Miss Rebecca for whom she was knitting the green silk purse? And if we still were not sure what sort of person he was, the author has used other characters to emphasise Mr Sedleys character, through Mr Osborne and Miss Amelia, Did you ever hear anything like your brothers eloquence? Why, your friend has worked miracles. The author has also suggested that Mr Sedley is a man who is easily swept up into dreams, and easily jolted out of them, when he boasts about his bravado about facing dangerous animals, and when hes jolted out of his reverie when the music stopped. And in the author presenting another side of Mr Sedley (the talkative side, as opposed to the quiet side), it also casts a light on Miss Amelia, who is the person responsible for showing the talkative side. We see Miss Rebecca as a lovely lady, who is talkative, willing to listen and easy to talk to, from her interactions with Mr Sedley and comments made by the other characters. In talking to Mr Sedley, it has reflected back upon her good qualities, as people generally like to talk to outgoing people, not timid people, and this good view we have of her is further reinforced by Mr Osbourne, Why, your friend has worked miracles. In displaying a character, he has also shown another characters qualities and also through the interaction between them. Much of the narrative technique is a characteristic of this extract. The author has used long sentences, which allow him to elaborate upon the scene at hand, and also reflects upon their society. Another technique he employs is constant sign posting. He signals what is to come, and this is done with every new idea or aspect, Sedley was going to make one of the most eloquent speeches possible. In doing this, it lacks the surprise; however, it reflects the society at the time, where everything was anticipated. Another characteristic of this extract is the authorial intrusion. Thackery lets the scene play out, then he adds in his authorial intrusion which is written in such a manner that it seems like common knowledge but really are his opinions. This is quite notable at the end of the extract, For the affection of young ladies is of rapid growth as Jacks bean stalk, and reaches up to the sky in a night. In this extract from Vanity Fair by Thackeray, there are various noteworthy aspects of this passage. They are how the author has portrayed society, the way in which the author has expressed his characters, and the stylistic techniques of his writing.